All families are required to purchase $500 in raffle tickets and volunteer 20 hours at St. Mary’s during the school year (5 hours towards our annual auction and the remaining 15 hours at other events on campus).
Please click on the following link to create volunteer pages for everyone in your family 18 years and older who plans to volunteer at St. Mary’s to help you complete a total of 20 parent hours during the school year. Every volunteer must have his/her own volunteer page and this page is where you will track your volunteer hours and eventually sign up for other volunteer shifts.
MyImpactPage – Application Form – St. Mary’s Preparatory (
On the application form please create a username on the left where it says, “I am new to”. You will need to enter a unique username to identify yourself to the system. You should select something that is easy for you to remember such as your email address or your name. Your username must be at least 6 characters long. If the name you enter is already in use by someone else, you will be prompted to choose another username.
The system will ask you basic questions such as your name, address, email address, phone number, the names of your student(s) at St. Mary’s, your relationship to them and their graduation year(s). You will also be asked three yes or no qualification questions. The first is whether or not you are a student. The second is whether or not you are an adult 18 years or older and finally the third question is whether or not you are TAM trained. TAM aka Techniques in Alcohol Management is a three-hour class that certifies you for 3 years to serve alcoholic beverages at events on campus. We will offer a free TAM class on campus later in the fall/winter.
Once your application is complete, you can download the free My Impact app from your cell phone’s app store to make it easier for you to track your volunteer hours and to sign up for volunteer shifts later on. You must create your volunteer page from the Moms & Dads Club website first so it is linked to St. Mary’s Prep because a number of other schools use this website to track their volunteers’ hours.
Questions about the My Impact website and/or app can be emailed to Ms. Kosco in the Prep office at [email protected]. If you are a returning family to St. Mary’s, you may already have a volunteer account. Ms. Kosco would be happy to check so you don’t create a duplicate account in the system. You will use this account as long as your student is at St. Mary’s.