First Early Bird Raffle Deadline: Sep 20 2:00 PM

Turn in your $500 and raffle ticket stubs by 2:00 PM on Wednesday, September 20 for a chance to win the first Early Bird Drawing scheduled for Friday during the Homecoming game.

2023 Homecoming Tailgate

Join us before the football game for a chili cook-off. Plenty of food and fun for everyone! Also, join us for our 1st Early Bird Raffle Drawing GO EAGLETS!

Europe Tour 2024 Deadline

Just a reminder that the deadline for the Europe Tour is coming up this Friday, September 29th. Space is limited, so please reserve your spot today! Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Yenor, Global Languages Department Head: [email protected].

NHS Applications Due

NHS applications are due to Mrs. Yenor by 7:30am on Monday, October 2nd.

On-Campus Flu Clinic

Old Gym

We will be holding an on-campus flu clinic on Thursday, October 5, 2023 from 11:30am-1:30pm. ALL attendees MUST complete an online consent. Complete consent to pre-register. Go to and enter Clinic ID: 1827 and Passcode: ALANAS2023 Please click the links below for more information. ALANA'S FOUNDATION FLU CLINIC WHY GET THE FLU VACCINE?